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The bloody reprisals in the history of mankind

Blood debt to pay in blood, but the hatred had peaked, people can drown in the sea of ​​the first race of blood.
The concept of revenge that parallels the history of mankind. People have always carried with me the desire to wreak his vengeance on those who had mistreated with her. Hammurabi, the oldest law found so far, took the point of view "an eye for an eye" - the blood debt to pay with blood root. And it was precisely to express the concept of revenge.
The bloody reprisals in human history
Hammurabi commentary marked the official beginning of the standardization concept of revenge. It retains its influence in the present life, expressed in the formation of the legal system is based on punishment those who dare to go outside the framework of society.
In fact, the revenge took away from the norm. The desire to see his enemies had to take only limited disaster at the individual level, and then, act of revenge went too the limits of the law. Let us review the most bloody reprisals in human history.

5. 47 Ronin

Đây là sự kiện đã trở thành huyền thoại trong lịch sử nước Nhật, nó trở thành cột mốc được tô đậm bởi lòng trung thành và sự thù hận. Sự kiện này cũng đã trở thành cảm hứng cho nhiều tác phẩm điện ảnh và văn học ra đời sau đó.
Under the Edo period, the samurai known as military advisers, protect property and the lives of important figures in society. One of the Samurai's oath to avenge their master's death. And 47 of Naganori Samurai Asano was a fulfillment of this vow.
The bloody reprisals in human history
When visiting Edo (today's Tokyo), Asano has Naganori sword wounding Kira Yoshinaka, after the controversy broke out between two people. The authorities have decided to tie Naganori seppuku. Of course, he had no choice but to implement.
47 Ronin (masterless samurai) patiently waiting. Two years later, they broke into the house Yoshinaka, control and forced him to commit suicide like their deceased owners. When Yoshinaka refused, they beheaded him and took it to the grave of Naganori. Soon, they surrendered and 46 who were self Samurai ended his life. The fate of the Samurai 47th so far is still a big question mark.

4. St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre

When Protestant, a community of Christians split from the Roman Catholic, born after the onset of religious reform by Martin Luther in the 16th century, the church has treated them as a thorn in their eyes. Not simply a fight for the religious symbols, the church has lost much more than that: the power, territory and financial ...
Ding points of conflict between the two factions of the Protestant and Catholic extremists are events Marguerite de Valois princess married Henry Navarre. The marriage between the two heads of two opposition has completely failed in its efforts to defuse tensions. Extremist Catholics already very uncomfortable with the presence of the Protestants in the heart of Paris, far more unacceptable is the marriage of their princess with a Protestant. Plus, the flashy luxury of the wedding between harvests when starvation is rampant as to make things more stressful part.
The bloody reprisals in human history
Very crowded Protestant attended the wedding in order to protect their leader.But even after the end of the wedding, Admiral Coligny, the military leader of the most respected Protestant faction was murdered. The culprit escaped shortly afterwards, but what happened next was beyond control. Fearing revenge before the Protestant side, King Charles IX and Empress Catherine decided "Proceeds lower power" : kill all the people in the Paris Protestant before they have any other moves . Estimated that around 4,000 people were killed Protestants in this massacre.
Not stopping there, King Charles has expanded the scale of the slaughter on the entire territory of France. All those who belong in her bloodstream were executed Protestant. A total of 100,000 people were killed after the decree was issued.

3. Aaron Burr

There is little revenge brings more political nature, such as Alexander Hamilton and the story between Aaron Burr. And yet rare revenge took place quickly and live like that.
Burr and Hamilton were served in the revolutionary army under the leadership of Washington. Both political career and have achieved success later. Hamilton is known as the co-founder of the newspaper Proponents of the Union, one of the newspapers have tremendous political influence at the time, who is also the Minister of Finance of the United States first. He was the arm for the president at the time, including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, with one of the main roles is to eliminate their opponents on the road was barking presidential election.
The bloody reprisals in human history
But with Burr, Hamilton went their limit. Shortly after losing the presidency in the hands bitterly Thomas Jefferson, and of course, with great success belongs to Hamilton as he always had great influence with the US Congress, Burr to run for Governor of New York and out they also encountered the opposition of Hamilton here. No longer take it anymore, Burr decided to challenge the gun with Hamilton, and as usual, immediately accepted. July 11, 1804 became the fateful day when the entire US with the deputy prime minister Aaron Burr and Finance Minister Alexander Hamilton pointed the gun at each other - resulting in serious injuries and Alexander died shortly thereafter, despite the efforts of the doctors at the time.
Gunfight Law stipulates that no one is allowed indictment came after a duel, so Burr stay on the implementation of tenure to his vice president before he was accused of treason by building efforts an empire for himself in the southern states of the United States.

2. Boudica

"Casinos flat" and "Play Beautiful" was never a positive point of the Roman Empire. When King Prasutagus died, he left rule Celtic Iceni Boudicca wife and his two daughters. But Rome has other plans: they invaded the Iceni, turning people into slaves and raped two daughters of Boudica. Unfortunately for Rome, they do not understand that I had to borrow a large debt.
What we know about Boudica are derived from records in the history of the Roman Empire. They described her as "a woman is tall and frightening, with her ​​flaming red hair long until the hips ... She carried a spear capable of spreading the terror to anyone saw her." And history has proven that, in particular, and Celts Boudica not generally small and cowardice as any nation has been invaded by the Roman empire. However, they have shown themselves as one of the most feared nation in human history.
The bloody reprisals in human history
Circa 60 AD, the time of the Roman government was busy in the war in the north Wales, Boudica led the Iceni and Trinovantes the insurgency. They have completely destroyed Camulodunum, one of the Roman colony at the time, and is also where King Claudius temple. Soon after, the army quickly towards Londinium (London today). After winning legions of the Roman Empire 9, Londinium and Verulamium 2 cities have been destroyed completely. An estimated 70000-80000 natives and the Romans were killed in this massacre.
Although ultimately, Boudica has suffered defeat against the superior enemy forces (many records that the Roman legions took 3 losses in the Battle of Watling Street), but this rebellion has left her became a symbol of the British people. History has recognized her as one of the 10 greatest female minister in the history of mankind.

1. Genghis Khan

Shortly after the annexation of almost the whole of Asia, Genghis Khan continued as of Middle Eastern countries. To show his good faith, he sent a gift includes many treasures and beauties to Khwarezm Empire, escorted by 500 soldiers. However, people showed little Khwarezm goodwill with a race "to live in the hut" , and they flatly refused by killing all the soldiers escorting transport union.
The bloody reprisals in human history
At this time, Genghis Khan has proved very calm. He who Khwarezm a second chance to continue to send an emissary to negotiate with them. And who Khwarezm have terrible mistake when Genghis Khan sent the head of this poor messenger.
To take revenge for all those ill-fated victims on, Genghis Khan launched a massacre with the scale perhaps second only to the First World War 2. Four most outstanding generals, including Bat speed with Taiwan, along with legions of 200,000 warriors combative completely destroyed a large number of troops with their 5-fold. Khwarezmia whole empire wiped out, with about 4 million people were killed. History describes that "even the dogs and cats will not be spared."Not satisfied his rage, Genghis Khan was to deflect all the rivers on the territory aimed Khwarezmia completely wiped entire nation off the map.

"When two countries fighting, do not kill the messenger." Especially when the messengers that are sent to by Genghis Khan.

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