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Visit the largest engine of human history

Visit the largest engine of human history

Find out the analysis, computer systems ... in a perimeter extending 27 km under the project giant particle accelerator LHC, the viewer will understand more about the activities of the most expensive machine that planet man-made.

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Observation from space, the scientists found that normal matter like galaxies, stars and planets make up only 4% of the universe. The rest is dark matter (23%) and dark energy (73%). Physicists believe, Project giant particle accelerator(Large Hadron Collider - LHC) could kept the door ajar in the gaps in this knowledge.
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The main purpose for building it is to break the limits and the current fundamental theory of particle physics. The head of CERN, the French physicist Robert Aymar said: "The findings from projects worth 6, 4 billion euros ($ 9.2 billion), bringing together researchers from 50 countries will bring about major scientific advances unprecedented ".
The LHC will begin testing in 2008, but was broken after a few days because the helium gas leak. After the problem is fixed, it works again. But in the first few days 11/2009, machine damage due to temperature rise in many parts suddenly.So far, the repair work is completed. County proton first went out a round of this 27km-long tunnel.

Anatomy collider

Giant LHC machine contains more than 1,000 magnets to guide the giant pipeline protons in the machine, at a speed of 11,000 cycles / sec, nearly the speed of light.
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Swiss border region and France with three circles. The smallest ring (bottom right) is the Proton Synchrotron, the Super Proton Synchrotron ring between the (SPS) with the 7 km circumference LEP and largest round, with a portion of Lake Geneva 27 kilometers in circumference. LHC particle accelerator can reach 14 TeV energy (14.000 billion electron volt).

Placement diagram Analysis of the 27km long tunnel. Show LHC operation at 3.5 TeV energy level. That's just half of the design capacity but have three and a half times higher than the Large Hadron Collider is the world's second America's Tevatron.
Magnet system of the machine is cooled by liquid helium . The machine is at a depth of 100 meters below ground at the French border region - Switzerland.The tunnel has a diameter of 3.8 m, and concrete structure was built from 1983 to 1988.
Six analyzer (detector) has been built in the system of the LHC, located in the large caves were dug below ground at the intersection of the LHC. Two sets of which are ATLAS (dark matter detector) and Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) (Higgs particle detectors, "God particle ") is the analysis of multi-purpose grain-size. A Large Ion Collider two sets Experiment (ALICE) and LHCb have separate functions than are tasked to find out moments after the "copy" Big Bang cases and detection of antimatter particles. The remaining two are much smaller and LHCf TOTEM, devoted to research other special expertise.
Here are images of the analysis: 
Visit the largest engine of human history
ATLAS - one of two sets of multi-purpose analysis, will be used to search for signs of new physics, including the origins of mass and auxiliary afternoon. The ATLAS detector containing a dense series of concentric cylinders, where the interaction of the beams of protons collide.
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Similar to ATLAS, Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) will hunt for the Higgs boson and look for clues about the nature of dark matter. In the figure is inside the "heart" of the CMS.
ALICE will study a form of "liquid" state of matter called quark-gluon plasma, a very short form of existence after the Big Bang.
Visit the largest engine of human history
LHCb - comparing the amount of matter and antimatter were created in the Big Bang. LHCb will try to find out what had happened to the antimatter "lost".LHCb huge 6X7 square meters including 3,300 blocks containing scintillator, optical fiber and graphite. It will measure the energy of particles produced in proton-proton collisions.
TOTEM - measuring the size of protons and the LHC's luminosity (roughly translated: brightness Large Hadron Collider). In quantum physics, luminosity affects the accuracy of the Large Hadron Collider in creating conflict.
LHCf - study cosmic rays occur naturally.

Computer systems

Computing systems serving the LHC project is also the largest computer network world . The collision of photons stored in a computer with 15 terabytes of data storage each year. Much of the data will be stored in the Oracle database and a number of commercial storage systems.
The role of the computer network that CERN set to gather strength calculations and vast storage to give scientists the ability to retrieve data and calculation tools as needed. The address in this network there are universities and research centers from Japan to Canada, plus two HP labs.
Supermicro Server Systems Center at LHC Project calculations.
All contributions computing systems with a total power of more than 10,000 processors and hundreds of millions of gigabytes of tape and disk storage.Information about the collision of particles in the accelerator beam is sent to all research centers in Europe, Asia and the United States to store and process data.
Many mysteries of physics and the universe is the goal of the experiment. The impact of the LHC experiment will be greater than both the first on the moon. It is hard to guess all practical benefits of this project. 

Heavy duty machines billions of

Specialists of the LHC's Executive Agency for Nuclear Research Organisation Europe (CERN) the estimated cost of repairs and other expenses related to the safety of about 37 million LHC. This amount comes from the budget of the 20 countries involved. Currently, no other country of CERN's member expressed opposition LHC project.
Visit the largest engine of human history
This is the core part of the machine inside the LHC. More than 15 countries provide funding for projects built Large Hadron Collider. More than 8,000 scientists and hundreds of universities and laboratories have been involved in designing the machine
With super-powerful particle accelerator LHC, scientists can study particles in sizes 1/10 trillion meters , measured intervals 1/10 million billion billion seconds . "We will know the Universe what's office at 1 / 1,000,000 of 1 second after the Big Bang, and that's wonderful, '' says physicist Robert Aymar.

The inspection was carried out on sections of magnets in the LHC tunnel. It is important that each magnet must be placed very place it was designed to be the path of the beam to be precisely controlled.
The goal of the experiment was to find the "Higgs boson" , a type of elementary particle heading subatomic particles (subatomic), is nuts for creating physical volumes and creating the universe. Name seeds are named after Scottish physicist Peter Higgs, who calculated the existence of this particle type. While people called the Higgs boson particle called the God particle (God particle).
In addition, there are many mysteries of physics and the universe, including supersymmetry, dark matter, dark energy ..., the unsolved mysteries hidden in the afternoon meeting space that can LHC discovery tasks, (largely invisible elementary particles will leave traces after the collision but some particles go undetected because they can move in the extra dimensions of space ..., as well as creating objects invisible dark matter).

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