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4 Fair "nightmare" in the history of mankind

Fair people, sweepstakes to get the baby ... is the haunting fairs in history.

Discover the fair became a nightmare for the people

Speaking to the fair, we usually will think of the many stalls selling the game was filled with laughter. But sometimes there are fairs became nightmares haunt humans ever after. Here is one such fair in history.

1. Fair ... people

Close Alaska-Yukon-fair Pacific, the international fair of colonies (Exposition Coloniale Internationale) was held in Paris in 1931 with the aim "melodramatic" to the whole world about the achievements war expansion French colonies.
4 Fair "nightmare" in the history of mankind
There is the "human zoo " with ad words so inhuman as "wild race only exists in the French colonies. Race super strange, anomalous super super brutal. the lowest level of evolution of mankind .. . "is on display everywhere.
The racism to the barbarian makes fairs of this kind are the historians at the time called the nightmare of humanity.
4 Fair "nightmare" in the history of mankind
To entertain and draw money from visitors, the Frenchman put people of color in the next colony cages and locked in a cage with other animals in the zoo.
Around the audience to admire and talk. Many people also threw stones and this stick as if it were a "strange beast" newly discovered. It was not until several months later, May 11/1931, a new trade fair shot down by the strong condemnation of a few residents in the community.

2. Sweepstakes to get ... baby

In 1909, the international fair Alaska-Yukon-Pacific was held in the port city of Seattle, USA. There are many things to be exhibited at the fair for the 10th anniversary of the establishment of this group and the Klondike gold diggers including humans.
4 Fair "nightmare" in the history of mankind
Accordingly, a group of Eskimos were brought here to "display" as an ancient human-like evening . 50 Igorot people were "donated " for a few parcels of land with grass huts for the fun of the fair days. And visitors will have to spend a little money to get to admire.
Each person to participate in the fair will be given a card to participate in the sweepstakes. And the astonishing thing is the reward for the winner is an infant.
4 Fair "nightmare" in the history of mankind
According to the Seattle Times, a month-old baby has been named Ernest parents abandoned and became the " property " of the Centre for Social Protection Washington.
At this year's fair, someone had won this award. However, no one knew the fate of that child where the break about until now.

3. Burning fairs for bullfights

Instead fun lively atmosphere often found, fairs Louisiana Purchase took place in 1904 in Missouri, US space bring only grief by just happened to be a week, but everything has been destroyed. Even the slaying occurred at the fair.
4 Fair "nightmare" in the history of mankind
At this fair, we held a bullfight . Although the organization of fairs bullfighting is illegal but all still pretty fair success with thousands of tickets sold.
Governor of Missouri - Alexander Monroe Dockery had to use force to stop the match and declare those violations will be arrested. However, only a two-match occurs, so shared out unevenly, bullfight has quickly turned into a " tiller material " element of wrongful deeds.
4 Fair "nightmare" in the history of mankind
They incited the crowd threw stones at the officers and fire burned everything. Nightmare is not yet over, not long after, when the murder occurred manager Graduate match is the brave matadors killed in a dispute over wages.

4. Fair bloody

Americans today still tells the Columbian international fairs as a horror story . Was held on May 1, 1893 in Chicago, this is the first international fair sold chewing gum, ice cream and other wheat products revolutionary technology such as dishwashers and fluorescent lamps . But the fair also left many haunted by the savage murders confusing.
4 Fair "nightmare" in the history of mankind
Dr. Henry Howard Holmes - with a history of mental illness was thought to be the mastermind of the mass murder at the fair.
He has built a 3-star hotel disguised a sophisticated trap murder. Dozens of people in this hotel had dire fate being tortured to death. No one knew about this until the fair ends.
4 Fair "nightmare" in the history of mankind
Meanwhile, on October 28, 1893, just 2 days before the closing ceremony,newly elected mayor of Chicago - Carter Harrison was murdered by a lunatic in the office . The whole city is shocked and organizers had to cancel the fair closing ceremony lavish funeral instead of city leaders.

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