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9 hell epidemics in human history

Crazy dancing or laughing to death not for some reason ... is the devil disease in human history.

Top hell epidemics in human history

1. The epidemic encephalitis Lethargica

3 hell epidemics in human history
Many hell disease in human history have killed more people as well as a great influence on the health of the people survived. One of the strange disease that isepidemic encephalitis Lethargica occurred during the period from year 1915 to 1926. At about the time of the Spanish flu pandemic (1918-1920), exotic diseases in history appeared Lethargica called encephalitis.
At its peak, this strange disease caused 1 million deaths and millions of others paralyzed. Lethargica encephalitis or also known as "sleeping sickness" with symptoms such as sore throat, convulsions, speechless and motionless for long periods.
Infected people injured fell into a coma or death when the death rate due to this disease is high 40%. Appearing mysteriously unexplained and not looking for a cure, epidemic encephalitis Lethargica mystery also terminate raging in 1926.

2. Pandemic dancing madness 1518

3 hell epidemics in human history
In May 7/1518, pandemic crazy dancing exotic dance has appeared in the town of Strasbourg (the territory is now part of France). The first case of infection was a woman named Frau Troffea. This person started dancing in the streets without reason and without a bit of music to create a feeling of euphoria.
Within a week, 34 other people have strange expression Troffea case. By May 8/1518, 400 people had contracted the disease exotic dance season. Initially, the musicians, musicians to be taken to facilitate the work of people dancing violently sick. However, after a bloody people's legs for dancing frenzy, they began to die of heart disease or exhaustion. Then the patients were moved to a mountain to pray to the gods for help . Finally, most people bounce back.
At that time, the epidemic was attributed dancing a St. Vitus's curse caused.However, some modern historians believe, the dancing madness disease is due to a mental disorder due to stress.

3. Tanganyika laughter epidemic

3 hell epidemics in human history
Date 30/01/1962, at a girls' school managed by nuns in Kashasha, Tanzania, three young girls started laughing. However, other than these times laughing ended after a few minutes, the three girls on the still laughing continuously and quickly spread to the entire school, which lasted several hours, even weekly, leading to the school must be closed on dated 04.18.1962 by the number of students affected up to 60%. Since then, this strange disease called Tanganyika laughter epidemic.
Some reports indicate that the town was laughing constantly on for a year is not true. At some stages of the pandemic laughs, some sufferers have been laughed out of tears, fainting and hives. Thus, some schools forced to close.
According to estimates, approximately 1,000 people who contract the disease strange smile on. Neurosis, spread to nearby villages. Thousands of children were affected, and 14 schools forced to close. Especially as the object of this strange illness just for kids.

4. Translate to ... cry cats

In 1844 a book "Diseases of the Middle Ages" by JFC Hecker, has told about a case of sounding like a cat nun in a monastery in France.
3 hell epidemics in human history
European monasteries are often the hysterical outbreak of collective phenomena
Before 1900 there are also many reports of collective hysterical happening inside the religious establishment. In particular, European monasteries are often the outbreak of this phenomenon. In one case, the symptoms are represented by a bizarre collective action. A source from 1844 reported that "a nun, in a very large nunnery in France, began to purr like a cat; Not long after that, the other nun meow incessantly ".
At least, all the nuns together also purr every day, at a certain time in many hours. The catlike cry continues until the neighbors complained and the soldiers were summoned to threaten whipped the nuns until they stop crying cats.
During this period, belief in possession (eg, an animal or demon) is very common and is particularly suspicious cat is related to Satan. The outbreakcaused the cry or gesture as animals usually lasts a few days to a few months, although some cases continuing for years.

5. Translation ... nodded in Tanzania

This unusual disease usually affects children in Africa, first appeared in Tanzania. Nodding disease usually occurs in children between 5-15 years old.Patients are normally suddenly drop your head forward, can have seizures, often appear when starting to eat. This makes children injured by falls.
3 hell epidemics in human history
Nodding disease affects every 3000 African children
Nodding disease has already developed into an epidemic, affecting 3,000 children in Africa. The time is still not determined the cause and how to cure effectively.

6. Translate Morgellons

Translation Morgellons, not yet identified the cause, is often compared withhysteria. Biologist Mary Leito was named Morgellons for this disease. The disease usually affects middle-aged white women. There are tens of thousands of people worldwide suffer from the disease.
3 hell epidemics in human history
American music legend Joni Mitchell is also Morgellons sufferers
Symptoms are itching, warmth, and memory loss have microfiber on da.Cac researchers said that this could be a mental illness. Now the doctors are still working to find the cause true epidemic.

7. The continuous convulsions in Leroy - New York, USA

Epidemics occurred in 2013 at the LeRoy High School (West New York) when about 20 girls start collective hysterical, convulsions, muscle spasms and speak face uncontrollably. Service begins 1 member named Katie Krautwurst in school cheerleader and gradually spread to other girls on the team.
As the story spread, 1 the girls were on national television talking about their symptoms. Initially, the disease can be inferred from chemical poisoning.However, experts believe that sociology this girls getting hysterical or incite collective - syndrome caused by prolonged stress triggers.
3 hell epidemics in human history
Photographs girls each syndrome continuous seizures in LeRoy, USA

8. Sleeping sickness in Kazakhstan in 2013

In the small town of Kalachi - Kazakhstan, 1/4 township residents affected by the " lethargy diseases " - diseases not caused by encephalitis. Began appearing in 2013, the disease makes people fall asleep for a couple days and then wake up with symptoms of nausea, headaches or memory loss. More than 20,000 experiments on air, water, food and even on people has been made, but so far there is still no answer to the cause of the disease. As of 2015, the report noted 152 cases of this strange disease.
3 hell epidemics in human history
Patients with lethargy in Kazakhstan

9. Translation by burning skin beetles

In 1962, a woman working at a textile factory in the southern United States suddenly rash and fever caused by dumped for leather beetle (June bug) bites.In just a few days later, dozens of other people in the factory are also similar symptoms and many people had to be hospitalized despite the fact they do not bite. The plant was evacuated, but only 2 species of insects have been found and there are no toxic chemicals were found - the chemical reaction can cause diseases such notification. Later, the disease is said to be caused by stress - including inciting mass syndrome.
3 hell epidemics in human history
View of the factory - where the "power off" skin burning beetle epidemic

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