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"Prophecy" Einstein's gravitational waves from more than 100 years ago has been solved through the most horrifying crashes in the universe.
In a press conference just ended at dawn on 12.02.2016 (now Vietnam), scientists have confirmed finding gravitational waves - discovery was hailed as"the greatest breakthrough century".
Regions of space-time is bent gravitational waves.
Regions of space-time is bent gravitational waves.
Specifically, experts from the California Institute of Technology (USA) claims to have found the space-time is bent by the collision between two giant black holes. The space-time that is bending waves attractive - the genius Albert Einstein was predicted in the theory of relativity from 1915. this finding alsoreaffirmed the big bang theory - the universe hypothesis was formed after a huge explosion - is correct real.
And physics professor Stephen Hawking's famous theory argue that this finding is a scientific milestone , bringing a completely different perspective on the universe, maybe even make a revolution in astronomers.
The process of "annexation" of the black hole horror universe.
The process of "annexation" of the black hole horror universe.
Gravitational waves found in this study is formed from the collision between two giant black holes, how our planet 1.3 billion years ago .According to data from the LIGO (Gravitational-Wave Observatory with laser interferometer), the two black holes have masses greater than the Suns 29-36.
According to Einstein's theory of general relativity, black holes rotate around each other two will lose energy through the release of gravitational waves, causing them to approach each other at a rapid pace gradually. In a very fast heartbeat, trillions of tons of material be redistributed, and a new black hole is produced.
According to calculations of scientists, in the 1/5 final seconds of the crash, the new black hole produces 50 times the energy of the total energy of the whole rest of the universe (in the form of light light, magnetic waves, X-ray, ...). And two LIGO observatories in Washington and Louisiana (US) have identified signals of gravitational waves in the final moments.
Even, they were able to convert the signal into sound waves, and we actually heard the collision of two giant black holes. You can hear this in the video below.

Video hour collision of two giant black holes.
Intense gravitational waves then spread throughout the entire cosmos, deform space - time before the "touch" to the Earth 1.3 billion years later.
Scientists are very glad about this discovery, and believe this will be a breakthrough for cosmology.

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