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Who is the richest history of mankind?

I guarantee you will be surprised to know the richest history of mankind is an African, which has always been regarded as arid continent and poverty.
Today, the thought of the rich, people will think of the European powers and the United States with a series of famous billionaires like Bill Gates or Warren Buffett ... and the vast wealth that so many people have to pond wish. And when it comes to the poor, they will easily relate to Africa, which was dubbed the"black continent" v á»›i many infectious diseases and the suffering of the people starving here.
I guarantee you will be surprised to know who the richest people in human history.
I guarantee you will be surprised to know who the richest people in human history.
But few know that, more than 700 years ago, when Europe was still engulfed in darkness with constant wars and the pandemic has claimed the lives of countless people, the famous African-piece fertile ground for the rise of the Empire of Mali and the United're most wealthy in human history, Mansa Musa.
Musa I (v. 1280 - k. 1337) is Mansa (means "king of kings" or "emperor" ) 10th wealthiest Mali Empire. At the time of Mansa Musa throne, Mali Empire controlled the territories formerly belonging to the Empire of Ghana and Melle (Mali) and the surrounding land. Musa has many titles, including emirs Melle, Lord mines Wangara, Conqueror Ghanata, Futa-Jallon, and a dozen other titles.
History recorded Mansa Musa was the richest of all time with the property values ​​equivalent to 400 billion US dollars (converted to present value), a giant figure far exceeds the total assets of 3 billionaire Bill Gates Warren Buffett and Amancio Ortega combined.
Despite more than 700 years have passed, but considering the level of wealth and influence, then no one can catch up with Mansa Musa.
So far no one can still catch up with Mansa Musa.
So far no one can still catch up with Mansa Musa.
Mansa Musa was from the royal line , he is nephew of King Abubakari Keita II and was appointed moderator of the country while the king's absence. Then, he inherited the throne as the king Abubakari, who always cherished plan to explore the Atlantic Ocean in 2000 personally led the ships in the journey of discovery has returned forever, just because he did not 199 private boats go by my previous articles have disappeared mysteriously in the large whirlpool in the ocean and there was only one boat goes back end news groups.
Mansa Musa was crowned in 1312, while Mali was a powerful Empire and holding the key trade routes. At that time, Mali is home to the world's largest gold, even gold and half the salt of the world have every right to Mali.
In order to expand the influence of the Mali Empire, Mansa Musa has conducted control of more land, including Timbuktu, and a large part of western Sudan. The goods trade routes through the Sahara then concentrated in the city of Timbuktu, gold trading center, salt, ivory, kola nuts and slaves. Not only is the center of economy, culture is very important in Africa, but also at the heart of the Muslim nation. Under the reign of Mansa Musa, the city of Timbuktu is growing and becoming the meeting place of writers, scholars, and artists of the Middle East.
There are many scholars, architects and artists from Saudi Mansa Musa also followed the repatriation.
Mansa Musa was crowned in 1312, while Mali was a powerful Empire and holding the key trade routes.
Mansa Musa was crowned in 1312, while Mali was a powerful Empire and holding the key trade routes.
Although only in office for 25 years, but the achievements that Mansa Musa was tectonic economics and culture of Mali Empire is always bright spots in the history of Africa and help him become a great king in history the continent's history .
Mansa Musa was a devout king and always believe that Islam is the gateway to enter the world of the culture of the Eastern Mediterranean region, therefore, he has endeavored to develop Islam on the road back to the land St. Pilgrimage to Mecca in 1324, works resonated in his greatest time in office.
Mansa Musa's pilgrimage is considered lavish trips and most majestic of kings.All the king's entourage 60,000, including 12,000 slaves, dressed in silk 500 ambassadors and a long line of camels shall bring gold bullion or gold-filled bags Mansa Musa possible to easily distribute for any poor people that he encountered along the way. This has made ​​it known to him as a generous king and generous. Even, the people still standing along the street that leads to Mecca to await the arrival of Mansa Musa. Some even revealed, 12 years after Mansa Musa presence in Cairo, where millions of people still sing songs of praise sunggreat king of the Mali Empire.
Though always focused on development of Islam, but in his ruling policy, Mansa Musa to set up a religious freedom, freedom of belief.
Though always focused on development of Islam, but in his ruling policy, Mansa Musa to set up a religious freedom, freedom of belief.
In the city was stopped in Cairo (Egypt) and Medina (Saudi Arabia), Mansa Musa spend too much gold and accidentally damaging the economies of those areas. Jewelry rampant in the market caused prices to escalate and drag inflation throughout the next decade. Then, to correct his mistake, Mansa Musa bought gold from the usury in Cairo. This is probably the first time and is also unique in history as of this moment, a fish workers can control the prices of gold and silver across the vast Mediterranean.
After a pilgrimage to Mecca, Mansa Musa King started building many large mosque, with the huge library, royal palaces, and Muslim schools throughout his empire. Though always focused on development of Islam, but in his ruling policy, Mansa Musa to set up a religious freedom, freedom of belief. Some Muslim scholars visiting from Mali were not surprised to see the colorful dress of local people, even women here do not need to wear the veil. Education under Mansa Musa is completely free, and get lots of encouragement policy, wealthy king also founded the University of Sankore Madsarah reputation. It is what has attracted people from all over the world flock here to cultivate knowledge.
Mansa Musa is still regarded as one of the most powerful people in history.
Mansa Musa is still regarded as one of the most powerful people in history.
In the 14th century, and the names of Mansa Musa of Mali Empire was spreading throughout the Arab world and attracted huge attention of the mapping in Europe, to the extent of the map was released in 1375, Mansa Musa appeared in the middle of West Africa with pictures sitting on the throne and holding a gold ingot in his hands as if to symbolize his wealth.
So far, Mansa Musa is still regarded as one of the most powerful people in history, and is also the world's richest people.

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